What does freedom mean to you?

Sakshi Uplap
6 min readAug 15, 2022

Freedom means “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants or the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.” Everyone celebrates their freedom day on their respective days. Even after these many years of getting free, are we free? Do we have/ get everything we want? The constitution has, of course, given us many rights to use our freedom in useful ways. But still, we are chained to a few things which don’t let us live our lives to the fullest and still fight for freedom.

Freedom is a concept that’s often misunderstood. Freedom means different things to different people, depending on their lives and how they’ve been shaped. Freedom is hard to define. It’s not about what you have but what you do with it. Freedom means the ability to make choices and take action, and it’s the ability to do so without fear of being judged or punished for those choices.

Freedom of expression means expressing yourself in any way possible: through art, writing, music, anything! The only limit is your imagination.

It means being able to express your thoughts and beliefs without fear of retribution from others. Freedom means expressing what you want without worrying about how others will respond.

What exactly does freedom mean?

Freedom can be achieved when we learn that there are no “right” answers — only what works best for each person in their own lives. When we’re allowed to choose our paths, we can’t help but thrive! Freedom is just one small step away from where we need to be: free from burdens, labels, and biased judgments and statements.

Freedom is the right to choose your path in life. It’s the ability to be who you want to be and the power to make your own decisions. Freedom means being free of labels and prejudgments; it means being free from restrictions on your speech and conduct; it means being able to live life without fear of reprisal or discrimination; it means having access to education, employment opportunities, and healthcare.

Freedom is the most important thing in life because we can’t be fully ourselves without it. We can’t be ourselves if restrictions bind us others impose. We can’t be ourselves if we are told what to do or think based on our social status, skin color, gender identity, or sexual orientation. We can’t be ourselves if we’re not allowed access to all that society has for us so that we may continue growing as human beings — and therefore as individuals — in this world.

Freedom is a feeling that can’t be described with words. It’s the idea that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, and with whomever you want. If you aren’t free to express your thoughts and opinions, then you’re not truly free. You might be able to say whatever you want, but if no one else is allowed to hear it, then it’s not true expression — it’s just noise in the wind.

What I believe freedom is:

I believe that freedom means being able to make choices with no regard for the consequences. It means being able to do what you want without worrying about what others think of you or how they might judge you. It means being able to express your thoughts and feelings without fear of being judged or labeled as different than what others expect.

Freedom from burdens means being able to live on your terms. You have the right to choose yourself without having someone else tell you what those choices should be. If your country doesn’t allow free speech or expression of ideas that go against their beliefs or interests (like religion), then it’s not really “free.” It’s just another way for oppression and discrimination to happen under the guise of freedom.

It means having the right to choose who you want to love and be with, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or any other identity markers typically used as discrimination tools.

Freedom is a right that every human being deserves because we all deserve equal treatment under the law and equal opportunities for success in life. I believe we should all be able to pursue our path in life without fear of judgment from others who may be unable or unwilling to understand why we choose this path over another. Major freedom according to me are:

Freedom of prioritizing health:

For me, freedom means the ability to prioritize my health. I mean all of it — physical, mental, spiritual, and social. I think we all have the capacity for this kind of self-care, but we ignore it most of the time. We keep working and moving on with our lives as if everything is fine when there are issues about taking care of our physical well-being. We also ignore spiritual and social health because we stay in toxic environments where we don’t even try to move away from them once we know they’re toxic.

It’s the ability to care for myself without being judged or shamed for not doing so. It’s about knowing who I am and what I stand for as an individual and then doing my best to live up to those standards in all aspects of my life. And as a society, we need to start prioritizing our health by ensuring everyone has access to good mental and physical healthcare. Social freedom means having the power to choose what kind of relationships we have with others in our lives — whether those relationships are positive or negative. But I believe that if you prioritize your health and take care of yourself, you’ll be able to make better decisions for yourself and others.

Freedom of biased judgments:

Freedom of biased judgments is one of the most important aspects of freedom. The freedom to make choices includes the freedom to choose how we want to be judged and how we want others to judge us.

When we are free to choose our judgments and assessments, we become more aware of our biases and prejudices. This awareness can be used as a tool for growth rather than harm and oppression.

Judgments affect us more than people think — they go beyond the simple looks in society and into the core of who we are as individuals. They affect our self-esteem, relationships with others, and how we perceive ourselves in the world around us.

We pass judgment on people all day long — from our parents when they tell us what kind of food we can have (even if it’s healthy!), to coworkers who ask why we don’t smile enough at work or bosses who yell at us because they don’t like our dress style (no matter if it’s professional!). Judging other people can build up toxic feelings inside ourselves if left unchecked — it can build and break.

Matter of thoughts:

We’ve all been taught some value system by our parents or others around us — and those values can sometimes interfere with what we see as right or wrong for ourselves (or others). But if we can learn how to separate our desires from what others want or need, then maybe we’ll stop judging each other so much — and maybe even start seeing each other as human beings instead of labeling tags.

Everyone around the world dreams of freedom. But what does that mean to you? There is no such thing as absolute freedom. There are always rules and regulations somewhere in the world. If these forces don’t limit people’s freedom, then others will. The meaning of freedom should be promoted and shared to avoid bias; freedom means there is no right or wrong to you. Free will and a variety to share with others. And for the last thing before you leave, tell me what freedom means to YOU!!!!

