To hold it or let it go? That is the question!

Sakshi Uplap
10 min readApr 18, 2022

Are you feeling low? Sad about not having what we want? Lonely, because you got stuck between opposite poles? Feelings can be hard to deal with. They’re an in-between thing, an indescribable blob of the unexplainable. But I want to try to explain them, and I want to break them down and make them work for me, and maybe for you, too.

There are always battles in our lives; one struggle we always want to win but choose to lose it more often is the Battle of Feelings. Isn’t it? We don’t purposefully choose to lose or win, but it just happens and starts the actual battle of emotions. After winning over or losing something, we get loaded, not super overflowed with a flood of emotions. Sometimes, it makes it easier to overcome the loss we had, and sometimes it’s a trip of guilt and unpleasant feelings that constantly pushes us to realize that we faced a severe beating. So let’s try to figure it out for our satisfaction, as it’s essential in the end. Without joy and satisfaction, everything we do doesn’t seem meaningful!

Emotional drama:

What is the point of emotions? When did feelings first emerge? Are all people endowed with them? Is it true that some people are incapable of having emotional reactions? Here are our answers.

Humans, who consider one of the most developed animals, are gifted with emotions, alongside other mammals and many other species. Emotions are an innate part of the human experience and a crucial component to operating efficiently. We’ve come up with some facts about emotions, their purpose, and how to use them properly. Emotions are a response to external stimuli. An emotion can describe as a complex reaction composed of several psychological factors: physiological reactions, conscious and preconscious thoughts, impulses to act, and even belief systems. Emotions play a vital role in our lives. The ability to experience emotion is critical to developing relationships, handling stressful situations, and coping with traumatic events.

What are those little things called that make you feel something? They’re living inside you, You think they can’t come out, but they can. And they do, and when they want to, They look like flowers and animals, letters and songs, too many to name. But I can call one: Love. It is the most potent force on the planet and has learned this in its most brutal way. Love is not a verb or a noun; it’s an object of desire transcending all things. Love is a multifaceted jewel, impossible to possess. But we don’t know what it is until it strikes you right in the heart when you least expect it. When our brightest diamonds begin to shine, our flowers blossom, and our little monsters come out to play.

Love is not always the way we think, or the society has portrayed it. It is far away from what we see or have heard. Let’s be honest: You know love exists because you’ve felt it. You fell in love with your dog, and that feeling is just as magical. That “feeling” inside of you that makes you do amazing things for the people you love is love, and it can come out at any time, whether it’s falling in love with something like a song or animal. The home of this beautiful feeling: Your heart. There are many things that we think we can’t do. Sometimes, we put limits on ourselves. But when we finally give in and accept the truth, that is to say; when we embrace our potential and embrace what’s inside us, it is possible to achieve extraordinary things-to achieve greatness; we have to be bold and take steps toward it.

Feelings ka chakkar:

There is always a story behind our feelings; we don’t realize it. But if we spare a few minutes and think about what we are or what we are doing, we can feel things and thoughts going on. We could know the reason behind it. We usually deny the reason behind it cause we consider those unimportant or refuse the reason behind it. But everything that happens in our life happens for a reason, for a purpose. We realize things are late.

Though feelings seem like a fleeting and temporary aspect of humanity, they’re anything; instead, feelings connect us, bridging the psychological divide between people and giving us a sense of shared identity. As humans, we rely on feelings for communication, and we use them to regulate our behavior. Feelings are both the glue that connects us mentally and the vehicle that allows us to relate to others in meaningful ways.

We are allowed to feel feelings; they aren’t wrong. They are me(part of me), and I embrace it. I don’t have to drown, suppress, or expect them to go away. I get to feel all of me, good, bad and indifferent. Don’t turn your back on your feelings. Find someone to talk about them with. Let someone know what you’re going through. You will never feel completely safe, but you have to find safety in vulnerability and know that “I am here for you no matter what.” I could physically not be there, but this line gives us the power to face things, to stand for ourselves. The power within us will help us to survive in any situation which is ever necessary.

During one talk show, I heard the speaker addressing at the end, which seemed unusual initially but was very powerful; it goes,” You may not get what you wish for.” The audience asked why he would say that. The speaker replied, “You may get what you didn’t wish for.” As a human tendency, we would, of course, think negatively first. The same the audience did; they argued why he would say such, we receive things we even wish for, to which the speaker said that he expects beautiful, precious, unbelievable things in your life and not the negative ones. You know where all these things come from; our intuitions and guts are linked with what we feel. We all are unaware of meaning but have their relevance.

Power to embrace:

We wish we could tell you that life is much simpler than it seems. We wish we could say that life is fair, pleasant, and accessible. But we can’t. Life isn’t simple and certainly isn’t fair or always enjoyable or accessible. It’s rarely straightforward, but it’s still very worthwhile. Life is not fair, and the world can be frightening and dangerous. Despite these facts, the world is still a great place. The truth is that life can be complicated and unfair. How we deal with that truly makes the difference between failure and success, sadness and happiness, and contentment and restlessness.

I know how you are feeling at the end of the day; when we look back on our lives, it might not be what we accomplished that we remember but how we felt along the way. And you’re human. Of course, you feel pain; it’s a part of being alive. But life is still worth living, even when everything feels hard. So if you need some help coping with your feelings: maybe talk to someone close to you, take a walk in nature, curl up with a good book, distract yourself with some music or something else you enjoy. And please try not to hurt yourself while dealing with all this stress and anxiety. I wish you the power in life, however long it may last.

Express yourself:

Everyone feels. We all possess an emotional range that is unique and valuable. Our feelings help us experience the world, the people we love, and even ourselves in a new way every day. And whether these feelings are positive or negative, it is crucial to have them, to have all of them, to recognize ourselves as whole human beings.

Expressing your feelings and emotions is an art; it is a natural part of the human language. Whether it’s to express anger or joy, we use many expressions in our daily lives. You often find yourself speechless when you’ve got a lot to say but can’t get the words out. But that doesn’t mean you should suffer! If you cry, shed tears, sob, are in pain, or are experiencing depression — express your emotional state. If you are in love with someone, get carried away with emotions. Tell the world if you were just rejected by your lover and feel like crawling under a rock or dying. You always want to show the world that you’re “seeing life through the window of your heart.”

Expressing your feelings and emotions is an excellent way to let people know how you feel. But, it’s even more vital that you express your feelings to gain greater self-understanding and confidence. After all, it can be easy for emotions to take control and start messing everything up without expressing how you feel. And never let it mess up things!

Expressing your feelings is something people rarely do in today’s society. Expressing emotions and feelings can build good relationships and strengthen an individual’s sense of identity. Individuals express themselves in multiple ways, such as writing poetry, music, dance, and photography. Expressing your feelings is never easy, and it is essential to express your feelings to friends, family, and even pets. But sometimes, you might think that expressing your feelings is impossible due to the situation that you are in. But try to find any way to express yourself rather than deny it.

Things to try:

It’s never easy to see someone lose control of their nerves. We’ve all been there, feeling like we might break a nail or knock our coffee over. The struggle is real! Everyone experiences stress, and no one is immune to it. It comes in varying degrees, and it’s hard to manage at times. We find it difficult to do so because many things are going on in our tiny yet massive heads (mind/brain). But you don’t need to fight it alone. I’ve collected a list of things you can do to keep calm and relax when times get tough.

  1. Deep breaths:

Take deep breaths, my friend. It’s going to be okay. I know everything wrong is happening all at once, but I have a secret that will help you fix everything. One bad thing after another, and there doesn’t seem to be a way out. Let me help you. It’s simple: deep breaths. Yes, seriously. Deep breaths in…deep breaths out.. ahhh … That’s better. Relax and take a deep breath; breath. It will all work out.

2. Scented candles:

We need to strike a better balance between enjoying the moment and life in general and working hard to reach our goals. Burning a scented candle at the end of every workday helps me relax and makes my surroundings smell good. Let’s make candle burning a stress-relieving habit by leaving work for 10 minutes to light up candles. Scented candles can make you relax, unwind and even provide a soothing distraction from the everyday hustle and bustle.

3. Relaxing and Refreshing mind:

Relaxing your body with some excellent herbal teas and refreshing your mind with fantastic natural sounds and images will completely refresh your mind. If you have time pressure or have tense working conditions, it is tough to cope with headaches or stress. Relaxing is necessary for improving your quality of life and reducing anxiety. Chamomile tea (Some prefer regular cardamom or Elachi tea) can be one of the best options to make your mind fresh. Try to keep a gratitude journal; it’s a great way to find focus, develop positivity, and eliminate any negative emotions you may be holding onto.

4. Jump out of your comfort zone:

Being comfortable is great, but getting out of it is even better. Keeping things the same way is not always a good habit. As time passes, it leads to complacency in all aspects of your life. To tackle this problem, you have to challenge yourself and set some goals that might be outside of your comfort zone. Doing so forces you to grow as a person and helps you become more ambitious.

5. Wash out thoughts:

It is obvious how stressful having thoughts can be. If you are not used to having negative thoughts, thinking and recognizing them at the place in your mind where it is happening can be alarming. However, it is possible to stop negative thoughts and the fear they cause. Negative thoughts come from no specific place, and they do not have to continue. You can stop them in their tracks. Do it as they can help you by not overthinking and stressing out.

Final words …

Life is full of surprises. One day you think everything is going great, and the next thing you know, it’s in pieces at your feet. It may be caused by something at work or in your personal life, or maybe just by bad luck. But if you ever find yourself in a situation like this, try not to panic — stay calm. Take deep breaths. Don’t make any rash decisions. And remember these valuable tips for keeping calm until it all blows over! That’s enough for today. I hope you found some valuable tips on what to do when you find yourself in difficult situations. Always remember to stay strong because you are a warrior!

